Grab Your Nuts! Foods That Help With Erectile Dysfunction
No one likes talking about erectile dysfunction. It’s a subject that’s still taboo, despite many promising medical advancements in treatment. ED continues to be strongly stigmatized due to its perceived association with the “manliness” of individuals. A man’s strength, virility, and his very masculinity are often called into question when he’s unable to perform sexually.
If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, either regularly or on occasion, and you don’t feel comfortable enough to speak with a medical professional just yet, you might consider natural alternatives to prescription drugs like Viagra and Cialis. Although there’s no magic cure-all for every case of erectile dysfunction, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that diet plays a large role in the incidence of ED.
In fact, there are certain foods you can consume on a daily basis to help counteract the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. There are even step-by-step dietary ED protocols you can follow that make the whole process of figuring out exactly what to eat much easier.
Let’s talk about a few foods that help with erectile dysfunction right now.
Nitrates, which are found in all leafy greens, increase blood flow, which is a vital component of achieving and maintaining an erection. Some of the best foods that help with erectile dysfunction include spinach, beets, and celery.
Prior to the first official ED medication approved by the FDA in 1998, there were numerous pieces of evidence to suggest nitrates can dramatically reduce instances of erectile dysfunction by relaxing the blood vessels and increasing blood flow. The most popular ED medications on the market today, which pull in billions of dollars each year, are all based in some form or fashion on simulating the effect that natural nitrates have on the blood flow in your body.
If leafy greens aren’t your thing, consider dark chocolate. Flavonoids, found in dark chocolate, have been shown to increase circulation, which is incredibly beneficial when you’re attempting to solve erectile dysfunction problems.
The evidence suggests nitrates are more effective than flavonoids at increasing blood flow and relaxing blood vessels (it figures), but if you’re not really interested in going the Jack LaLanne juicing route, you may want to pick up a couple of bars of dark chocolate at your favorite natural foods store and keep them on hand for a light and practical dessert after dinner.
It makes sense, right? Nuts for your…well, you know. Specifically, pistachios.
Pistachios have long been recognized as a sexual aphrodisiac. Pistachios are high in an amino acid named “arginine” which (you guessed it) relaxes blood vessels and can increase circulation to the penis.
One study found that men who consumed pistachios on a daily basis over the course of three weeks generally had more frequent and more enjoyable sexual experiences than those in the control group who did not consume pistachios.
So if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious snack that can also help you in the bedroom, then grab your nuts and have at it!